Sunday, January 28, 2007

Factors that affect the oil prices

When trading in oil, it is important to know the factors that could affect the price of oil. We give you a summary below :

Following are the factors that affect the oil prices :

1. Shortage of supply.
2. Taxation.
3. Market sentiment.
4. Accidents.
5. Bad weather.
6. Increasing or decreasing demand.
7. Slowdown of the transport system that delivers oil.
8. Labour disputes and other production disruptions.
9. Wars.
10. Natural disasters.

The factors that influence the price of crude oil are not entirely the same for products. Even the magnitude of the influence of these factors may vary for crude oil and for products.

Welcome to the Worldoils blog

Our team, who are a mixture of experts from the oil industry, maritime industry, environment and the software industry have been contemplating to build a central place for the oil industry and our site is a result of our efforts. will grow and improve very much in the forthcoming months and all will have the necessary information at our site.

In today's world a portal is not complete without a blog. So, we decided to build on the Google blog system which is a powerful tool.

Please do enjoy and participate in the blogs.

The Worldoils team