Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

BHEL talking to L&T, Pipavav to revive off-shore rig biz

This is an extract from :

NEW DELHI: The state-run BHEL is in talks with private companies like Larsen & Toubro and Pipavav Shipyard to jointly build off-shore oil rigs,
a business proposition it had shelved earlier, says a company official.

"We are talking to various private players for manufacturing (off-shore) oil rigs... we are talking to L&T and Pipavav," the official said.

The company had earlier decided to quit its deep water oil rig business as it was unable to find a suitable partner due to investment constraints.

The plan to revive the business follows the revival in oil prices on the back of signs of the improving economic scenario which in turn has revived exploration business and the resultant increase in demand for oil rigs.

The Navratna power equipment major would soon start talks with the upstream oil companies like ONGC and Oil India for supplying deep sea oil rigs. "We would be approaching the oil companies for supplying the components," the official said.

BHEL chairman and managing director BP Rao, who assumed office on October 1, 2009, also had said that the company would revisit its off-shore oil rigs business. "We would approach some shipyards for providing equipment for manufacturing off-shore oil rigs," he had said.

BHEL is currently engaged in on-shore oil rigs business and has plans to expand it further.

In 2004, BHEL signed an MoU with Oil India to refurbish and upgrade the land rigs. The company has so far manufactured and supplied over 80 drilling and well servicing rigs to both ONGC and Oil India.

Oil Price History

Oil Price History

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fire on Australian oil rig delays plans to stop leak into Timor Sea

A massive fire has broken out on an Austalian oil rig and delayed plans to plug the leak that has been spilling oil into the Timor Sea since August.

The blaze started on Sunday when workers began pumping heavy mud into a leaking well casing. An estimated 400 barrels of oil a day have escaped from the hole since 21 August, threatening marine wildlife over an area ten times the size of London.

Australia's government today promised an investigation, the latest drama in a 10-week saga to plug the hole.

PTTEP Australasia, which operates the oil rig, said no one was injured and nonessential workers were evacuated after the fire broke out on the West Atlas rig and Montara wellhead platform.

Officials had planned to pour more mud into the leak on Monday in the hopes of removing the source of fuel from the fire, which was sending massive plumes of smoke into the sky. But the company said it was mixing 4,000 barrels of heavy mud, and would not be ready to pour it down the well until Tuesday.

On Sunday, PTTEP Australasia chief financial officer Jose Martins said the company doesn't know how the blaze started.

"Presently there are many unanswered questions, including what caused the fire," Martins told reporters in Perth. "Our sole focus now is the safety of all personnel, bringing the fire under control and completing the well kill."

Federal resources minister Martin Ferguson said that once the spill is contained he would launch an official inquiry. "Our requirement is to assess the cause of the accident and any lessons to be learnt, and that could lead to a change in the regulatory environment," he told Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio.

Ferguson later told reporters in Melbourne that if PTTEP was "found to have been at fault with respect to any of their responsibilities, then any potential action will be appropriately considered at the time."

The oil slick from the rig, about 150 miles off Australia's north-west coast, now stretches across thousands of milesof remote ocean. Indonesia said last week that thousands of dead fish and clumps of oil have been found drifting near its coastline.

Prime minister Kevin Rudd said today he was "deeply disturbed" at the latest turn of events on the rig, signalling the government's rising frustration that fixing the spill is taking so long.

"Do I think this is acceptable? No, I don't," Rudd told Fairfax Radio Network. "Are we angry with this company? Yes we are. Are were trying to do everything we can to get this under control? You betcha."

This is an extract from

Friday, November 13, 2009

Nord Stream Pipeline Logistics On Schedule

This is an extract from

Since the middle of October, about 30 percent of the treated pipes needed for the first line of the Nord Stream Pipeline have been in storage at marshalling yards around the Baltic Sea, where they are ready for laying. That process is due to begin in spring 2010. Nord Stream AG Project Manager for Logistics Klaus Schmidt says: "Our planning for pipe laying envisages that at least 800 kilometres of pipe, or about two thirds of the pipeline’s total 1,223 kilometres length, should be available when construction starts. This is a significant element of the demanding logistics concept, which we are now implementing according to plan."

The two lines that make up the Nord Stream Pipeline system will require a total of 200,000 pipes. Without their concrete coating, these weigh some 2.3 million tonnes, as much as 230 Eiffel towers. Some of these pipes have already been delivered by rail to Mukran on the German island of Rügen and to Kotka in Finland, where the world’s most efficient concrete coating plants have been constructed specially for Nord Stream. During a 24 hours period, these facilities apply a concrete coat which doubles the pipes’ weight. The coated pipes are then stored in Mukran and Kotka or are transhipped to one of three interim stock yards located in the Swedish ports of Karlskrona and Slite or in Hanko in Finland. Next year, when pipeline construction proceeds, the pipes will be transferred from interim stock yards on to pipelay vessels.

At the end of July 2008, Nord Stream commissioned the French company EUPEC PipeCoatings S.A. with implementation of the logistics concept. As well as the concrete coating of the pipes, this includes logistical services for the two Nord Stream pipelines. The total contract is worth 650 million Euro of which 100 million Euro represents investment in building up the infrastructure required in the Baltic Sea area. Along with the construction of the concrete coating plants, the preparation of the storage areas and the modernisation or new construction of port facilities, the project will mean the direct creation of 400 new local jobs.

Minimising transport routes – a "green" solution

The routing of the Nord Stream Pipeline across the Baltic Sea fulfils the most stringent environmental standards. Part of the logistics concept, too, was to arrange low-emission means of transport and the shortest possible distances. Compared with using already existing facilities, this will mean a saving of 95,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions for the completion of the first of the two Nord Stream lines.

After extensive analysis, Nord Stream AG selected five ports that lie close to the route of the pipeline. It means that all points on the pipe-laying path can be reached by ship within one day (a round-trip including loading and unloading). All points along the route are 100 nautical miles (185 kilometres) or less from an interim stock yard. One result of this choice is to halve the pipe delivery vessels required to three from six.

In total, 96 percent of pipe and material transportation will be undertaken in an environmentally-friendly manner by ship or rail using the shortest route possible. The pipes will be trucked only within the port areas, saving on ship bunker fuel and truck diesel, thereby reducing CO2 emissions.

The specially well-placed ports of Mukran on Rügen island and Kotka in Finland will play the key role. Located where rail and ship transport intersect, the pipes are weight coated at these ports where, alongside the project’s two largest storage yards, two concrete coating plants were constructed in short order. For example, 90 percent of the pipes for the first pipeline can be delivered by rail, with the remaining 10 percent arriving by a combination of rail and ship. Up to 15 trains a week arrive in Mukran, each one carrying 100 pipes. Each averages 12 metres in length and 12 tonnes in weight. Before they are laid on the Baltic Sea bed, they are coated with heavy concrete, increasing their weight to about 23 tonnes. The 200 personnel working in Mukran and 190 in Kotka each produce some 1,000 concrete coated pipes per week. Some of these are held in pipe storage yards at these two locations. Others are shipped from Mukran to interim stock yards at Karlskrona and Slite and from Kotka for interim storage at Hanko. They are held there awaiting final shipment to a pipelay barge. Currently, some 30,000 concrete coated pipes are ready in Mukran, Karlskrona and Kotka.

Thinking "European" benefits the environment

To preserve the environment, the materials needed for concrete coating are sourced from seven European countries, minimising delivery distances and emissions. The major part is made up of 1.38 million tonnes of magnetite delivered by MINELCO AB from Sweden. The German firm of Mibau won the contract for delivery from the Norwegian port of Narvik. The German Holcim company is supplying 370,000 tonnes of cement, with delivery via DB Schenker by rail or by ship and rail to Kotka. A further 370,000 tonnes of sand and gravel will arrive by sea from Scandinavia. Anodes for the active protection of the pipeline will be delivered by ship from Italy. Trucks will be used solely to transport small volumes of material, such as steel from Belgium, Holland and France and clearance pegs from Britain required for the wire cages used in the coating process.

The manufacture and transport of the pipes also involve several European companies. German steel pipe manufacturer EUROPIPE of Mülheim is producing 75,000 pipes for the first Nord Stream line for delivery by DB Schenker Rail Deutschland AG. The other 25,000 pipes for the first line are being produced by Russian steel firm OMK in Vyksa (350 km east of Moscow) from where they will be delivered by the Russian national railway company to Kotka. The onward transport of the concrete coated pipes from Mukran and Kotka to the interim stock yards at Karlskrona, Slite and Hanko is being undertaken by Swedish shipping company AtoB@C Shipping AB. Norway’s NorSea Group is responsible for pipe handling and storage at the three interim stock yards. Sea Terminal Sassnitz GmbH, part of the Hamburg-based BUSS Group, has taken on all logistics activities at Mukran. The same task at Kotka will be undertaken by Stella Stevedorica Oy Ltd of Kotka.

Nord Stream’s logistics concept is being successfully implemented in partnership with EUPEC PipeCoatings. Nord Stream’s logistics concept:

minimises environmental impact in the Baltic Sea region through the most economical use of resources,
benefits participating ports by investing in the long-term upgrading of their infrastructure,
boosts local economies through job creation.

Monday, October 19, 2009

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jackup Rigs for sale

Jackup Drilling Rigs for sale, Used Jackup rigs for sale, Jackup rigs: "Three legged cantilever Jack-up rig for sale"

Jackup Drilling Rigs for sale, Used Jackup rigs for sale, Jackup rigs: "Baker Marine-375 Pacific Class Jackup Rig For Sale"

Jackup Drilling Rigs for sale, Used Jackup rigs for sale, Jackup rigs: "KFELS Mod V 'B' jackup rigs for sale"

Jackup Drilling Rigs for sale, Used Jackup rigs for sale, Jackup rigs: "Gusto MSC type CJ50 Jackup Rig for sale"

Jackup Drilling Rigs for sale, Used Jackup rigs for sale, Jackup rigs: "Le Tourneau Super 116E Class Rig - New Rig for sale"

Jackup Drilling Rigs for sale, Used Jackup rigs for sale, Jackup rigs: "For sale - Offshore self elevated Platform, Multi purposes Jack Up Barge"

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lubrication Specialist Intensive Training Course (with optional STLE CLS certification exam) in Singapore, Singapore, Oil & Gas Training in Singapore

Lubrication Specialist Intensive Training Course (with optional STLE CLS certification exam) in Singapore, Singapore, Oil & Gas Training in Singapore: "Lubrication Specialist Intensive Training Course - Singapore"

Oil & Gas Conference

Oil & Gas Conference

Baker Hughes: US Oil, Gas Rig Count Up 17 To 1,041 This Week

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HOUSTON (Dow Jones)--The number of rigs drilling for oil and natural gas in the U.S. rose this week as producers put some rigs back to work in anticipation of higher prices.

The number of oil and gas rigs rose to 1,041, up 17 rigs from the previous week, according to data from oil-field services company Baker Hughes Inc. (BHI). The number of gas rigs was 726, an increase of 14 rigs from last week, while the oil rig count was 305, an increase of two rigs. The number of miscellaneous rigs rose by one rig to 10.

The number of gas rigs in use peaked at 1,606 in September 2008. Producers have reined in natural-gas drilling dramatically over the past several months in response to declining prices, but the gas rig count has begun to stabilize as producers bet on colder weather and an economic recovery that would spur demand for the fuel.

The biggest declines have occurred in vertical drilling rigs, which are used to drill straight down into conventional oil and gas reservoirs. The number of vertical drilling rigs has fallen by about 60% over the last year. Horizontal rigs have fallen by a lesser amount. Horizontal drilling has declined by 26% over the year as producers have continued to exploit prolific gas fields known as shales.

Shales are dense rock formations that producers have learned to tap with new drilling technology. Shale formations, such as the Barnett Shale in Texas, have been largely credited with fueling a boom in domestic gas production. Producers must drill down to the rock, then horizontally through the formation, to break it apart and release the gas trapped within.

New supplies from these fields and tepid demand for the fuel resulting from the economic downturn contributed to falling natural gas prices.

Natural gas prices have fallen by more than 60% from their summer 2008 highs above $13 a million British thermal units. Gas supplies, however, have remained abundant. Some analysts expect that storage facilities will approach full capacity - an estimated 3.9 trillion cubic feet - before winter heating season begins. Total gas in U.S. storage for the week ended Oct. 2 stood at an all-time high of 3.658 trillion cubic feet - about 15% above last year and the five year average.

Natural gas for November delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange was recently down 11.5 cents, or 2.32%, at $4.848 a million British thermal units.

-By Jason Womack, Dow Jones Newswires; 713-547-9201;

U.S. natural gas rig count climbs 14 to 726

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The number of rigs drilling for natural gas in the United States climbed by 14 this week to 726, according to a report on Friday by oil services firm Baker Hughes in Houston.
The U.S. natural gas drilling rig count has gained in 11 of the last 12 weeks but is still down sharply since peaking above 1,600 in September last year, standing at 822 rigs, or 53 percent, below the same week last year.

During the week ended July 17, 2009, the natural gas rig count slipped to 665, its lowest level since May 3, 2002, when there were 640 gas rigs operating.

Tighter access to credit and a 70 percent slide in natural gas prices over the past 15 months to below $4 per mmBtu forced many producers to scale back gas drilling operations.

The steep declines in drilling this year have started to slow production and tighten supplies, but most traders agreed it has not been enough yet to offset record high inventories and steep recession-related cuts in demand, particularly from the industrial sector. (Reporting by Joe Silha; Editing by Walter Bagley)

New Le Tourneau Rig S116E for sale

New Le Tourneau Jackup Rig S116E for sale

Shipyard for sale

Shipyard for Sale

What will the Crude Oil prices be in 2010? - Oil & Gas Prices - Oil & Gas Forums - Worldoils

Crude Oil price Forcast in 2010? - Oil & Gas Prices - Oil & Gas Forums - Worldoils: "What will the Crude Oil prices be in 2010?"

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Offshore vessel management software

Offshore vessel management software

New 4500hp Draw Works for Offshore Drill Rigs or Drill Ships - Worldoils Oil, gas and offshore equipment marketplace

New 4500 hp Draw Works for Offshore Drill Rigs or Drill Ships - Worldoils Oil, gas and offshore equipment marketplace

12000T Caisson Floating Dock

Caisson Floating Dock for sale

Kroll 10000 World's Biggest Tower Crane - Worldoils Oil, gas and offshore equipment marketplace

Kroll 10000 World's Biggest Tower Crane - Worldoils Oil, gas and offshore equipment marketplace

375 HP Four Axle Carrier Mounted Workover Rig - Worldoils Oil, gas and offshore equipment marketplace

375 HP Four Axle Carrier Mounted Workover Rig - Worldoils Oil, gas and offshore equipment marketplace: "Worldoils Marketplace - 375 HP Four Axle Carrier Mounted Workover Rig for Sale"

Carrier Mounted Workover Rigs for sale

375 HP Four Axle Carrier Mounted Workover Rig for sale

475 HP Five Axle Carrier Mounted Workover Rig for sale

T. Boone Pickens sees average oil price above $80 in 2010

Energy/oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens wants those investors who are expecting oil's price to drop amid an oil supply glut to know they are likely to be on the wrong side of history, and fairly soon.

Pickens Tuesday reiterated his forecast that oil prices will pass $75 per barrel before the end of 2009, and move considerably higher in 2010, CNBC reported.

"You'll see $85-$90 before the year ends," he said, CNBC reported. Pickens added that he wouldn't be surprised if oil prices topped $100, and added that he expects oil's price to average $80 per barrel next year. Oil traded Tuesday at mid-day up $1.45 to $71.73 per barrel.

Pickens favors increased use of renewable resources, including wind and solar, and, U.S.-based natural gas, in order to decrease U.S. imports of oil and to enhance foreign policy flexibility, among other benefits.

Energy Analysis: Pickens, among others, argues that ramping GDP growth in emerging markets, particularly in Asia, will contribute to the resumption of global oil demand increases in 2010. The prospect of that increased emerging market demand, along with the weak dollar, and talk that certain economic powers (China, France, Brazil, Russia) are becoming increasingly concerned about a further decline in the dollar, due to large U.S. budget deficits, has kept oil's price high, despite the U.S./global recessions and slack demand conditions.

Assuming global economic growth accelerates to 5 percent in two years, it's easy to see how oil's price could hit Boone's 2010 forecast. But even short-term, prices could advance substantially: factor-in a cold U.S. winter and/or above-trend U.S. GDP growth with a return to net monthly job gains (more drivers on U.S. roads), and a plausible argument can be made for an oil price above $80 in 2009.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2 x 1200hp Tugboat for sale

2 x 1200hp Tugboat for sale

250000 Tanker for sale for Rebuilding

250000 Tanker for sale for Rebuilding

2 x 2000hp Tugboat For Sale

2 x 2000hp Tugboat for sale

Patterson-UTI Energy Reports Average Of 81 Drilling Rigs Operating In Sept. - Quick Facts

Extract from

Monday, Patterson-UTI Energy Inc. (PTEN: News ) reported that for the month of September 2009, the company had an average of 81 drilling rigs operating, including 77 rigs in the United States and 4 rigs in Canada. For the three months ended September 2009, the company said it had an average of 73 drilling rigs operating, including 70 rigs in the United States and 3 rigs in Canada.

The company said it intends to continue providing monthly updates on drilling rigs operating shortly after the end of each

Brazil Petrobras To Issue Tender Details For 28 Rigs Next Week

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RIO DE JANEIRO (Dow Jones)--Brazilian state-run oil company Petrobras (PBR) plans to issue tender details next week for 28 deep-sea and ultra deep-sea drilling rigs, Guilherme Estrella, director for exploration and production, said Wednesday.

Estrella said the first eight rigs would be contracted for Petrobras ownership and exclusive use, while the other 20 would be freighted to other companies.

Renato Duque, director for Petrobras services, said local content in the rigs would be an important consideration. The first two rigs would require 20% Brazilian-supplied equipment and materials, rising to 50% for rigs number six and seven.

Duque said foreign content, especially in drilling equipment, was currently 100%.

Petrobras also wanted to raise the presence of Brazilian engineering in its projects at all levels, from macro to micro levels, he said.

Estrella gave no ballpark figure price for the rigs and said the market would decide.

Delivery for the first seven rigs would be within 48 months and the other 21 within 40 months.

Estrella said the decision to order such a large number of rigs was to provide economies of scale for any new shipyards.

Estrella also said the market for deep rigs and ultra-deep rigs was currently "tight" and there had been no recent price reductions despite the global economic crisis.

- By John Kolodziejski, Dow Jones Newswires; 55-21-2586-6086;

Land Drilling Rigs

Land Drilling Rigs

Oil & Gas Prices (2)

Oil & Gas Prices (2)

Monday, September 21, 2009

US$ 2 Billion Job: Petrobras Orders 28 Drilling Rigs from Brazilian Shipyards

Petrobras, the Brazilian state-controlled oil and gas multinational, should commission from Brazilian shipyards 28 new drilling rigs that may be also used in subsalt layer exploration. The strategy for purchasing the equipment was passed by the Board of Executives of the company, according to information disclosed by the company.

The enterprise should generate more than 40,000 direct and indirect jobs. The 4 billion reais (US$ 2.1 billion) in funding should come from the Guarantee Fund for Naval Construction. The beginning of the units' commissioning process is scheduled to take place before the end of the month, with delivery due from 2013 to 2018.

Petrobras is looking into modalities of financing to make access to credit easier for the Brazilian suppliers that are going to manufacture the rigs.

Just last week Petrobras announced one more oil and natural gas discovery in the pre-salt layer in Santos Basin. According to the company press statement, the discovery was made at reservoir BM-S-9, after the drilling of a well informally named Abaré Oeste.

The area is explored by Petrobras, which operates the block with 45% participation in a consortium with BG Group (30%) and Repsol (25%).

According to the state-owned oil company, activities should proceed and necessary investment should be made in accordance with the Assessment Plan approved by the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel Agency (ANP).

According to Petrobras, the reservoir is located in the evaluation area of Well 1-SPS-50 (Carioca), some 290 kilometers off the coast of the State of São Paulo at a depth of 2,163 meters from the water line. This is the fourth well drilled in block BM-S-9. All of them proved the existence of hydrocarbons.

The company added that Bloco BM-S-9 includes two areas for evaluation: the well denominated Guará and the one named Carioca.

"The discovery was proved by means of a sampling made from reservoirs located at a depth of approximately 5,150 meters. Further analyses are being made with the samples for a better characterization of the oil that was found," according to the company.

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

WOGO 2010 - World Oil, Gas and Offshore Conference, Mumbai, India

Energy is the backbone of the world economy. Worldoils is delighted to announce the ‘World Oil, Gas & Offshore conference 2010 (WOGO 2010)', in Mumbai, the first practical conference to highlight the latest exploration and technical developments in the Oil & Gas industry & in response to the needs of the national and international markets & regulations. As the Oil, Gas and Offshore industries are going through an unprecedented growth, this conference is timed to address the exploration and development activities of the region.
This seminar will provide an opportunity to listen to the new technologies & regulations. The speakers will highlight the challenges facing the oil & gas industry today and in the future & will share their valuable insights and provide innovative solutions to both commercial and operational issues faced by the industry today. The conference also intends to bring together equipment specialists and contractors, who need to work much more closely to create new innovative techniques and to find solutions for efficient working. Come and be ready to debate one of the most challenging sectors & discover some of the practical ways to meet new standards - listen to the industry specialists and take away concise examples of how the oil & gas industry needs to make a difference. The conference shall offer an excellent opportunity to Oil, Gas and Offshore industry, their associates and academia to share their valuable experiences and knowledge.

Additionally, this is a great opportunity to meet the leaders in the fast growing Oil, Gas and Offshore industry in the Asian and Middleast region and explore new markets and opportunities.

WOGO 2010 will deliver insights on:

- Innovation and the latest technology; via case studies and in-depth presentations that reveal the true commercial potential of these innovations
- Policy and regulations that will shape commercial operations and investments
- Solutions: Bottom line focused solutions on both commercial and operational levels
- Peer Networking: Equipment suppliers, Services, Contractor and Commercial heads will be able to take content and realize efficiencies, and better bottom line performances.

Oil Price History and Analysis tools

At Worldoils, a page is being built for Oil Price History and Oil Price Analysis tools.

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Not much has changed in oil prices last week?

Oil prices fell modestly on Thursday as the market consolidated hefty gains fuelled by a weak dollar, strong equity markets, global recovery hopes and falling US crude inventories.

New York's main contract, light sweet crude for October delivery, dipped just four cents to 72.47 dollars a barrel.

London's Brent North Sea crude for November delivery dropped 12 cents to 71.55 dollars.

Oil prices held above 71 dollars, with any profit-taking pressure limited by the low level of the dollar, languishing near one-year lows against the euro on Thursday.

The dollar has been weakening in recent weeks as investors moved away from the safe-haven greenback to more risky investments, such as equities which have been enjoying a good run recently.

Oil Price History

Florida Energy Associates pushing for offshore drilling

An energy group is mounting a renewed push to overturn Florida's ban on offshore drilling during the next legislative session, after an effort earlier this year failed.

They appeared in the spring, a secretive group trying to upend Florida's longtime ban on offshore drilling by promising millions of dollars and hundreds of jobs.

The effort to allow drilling within three to 10 miles of beaches failed to pass the Legislature, but only just. Now emissaries from Florida Energy Associates are touring the state to campaign for overturning the ban at the next legislative session, either this fall or next spring. Incoming House Speaker Dean Cannon, R-Orlando, says he'll sponsor a bill to allow drilling as close as five miles offshore.

Essar Oilfields raises $240 million for rig

Essar Oilfields Services Ltd has raised at least $240 million (Rs1,157 crore) from a group of overseas and domestic banks to achieve financial closure for its semi- submersible rig Essar Wildcat.

Essar Oilfields is a subsidiary of Essar Shipping Ports and Logistics Ltd which, in turn, is part of the Essar Group that has interests ranging from steel and shipping to refining. The Essar Group also plans to invest at least $1 billion in the oil drilling business.

Timed well: Essar Oilfields rig Essar Wildcat. Drilling has been completed in a KG basin ahead of schedule.

V. Ashok, director of Essar Shipping confirmed the development, saying his company has been given “a four-year repayment profile at competitive terms”. He did not divulge details of fund-raising or the banks involved in the deal.


US rig count climbs above 1,000 again

US rig count climbs above 1,000 again

Sep 18, 2009
By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, Aug. 18 -- For the second time in 23 weeks, US drilling activity increased to more than 1,000 rotary rigs working, Baker Hughes Inc. reported.

The US rig count increased 2 weeks ago by 10 to 1,009 units, dropped by the same amount last week, and has 1,010 rigs working this week, down sharply from the 2,018 that were drilling a year ago. The latest gain was primarily in land operations, up 11 rigs to 971 working. Inland water activity was up by 2 rigs to 7, but that gain was offset by the loss of 2 rigs in offshore drilling, down to 30 rigs still working in the Gulf of Mexico and a total of 32 in US coastal waters.

The number of rigs drilling for natural gas increased by 6 to 705 this week, while those drilling for oil were up 5 to 293. There were 12 rigs unclassified. Directional drilling increased by 11 rigs to 195. Horizontal drilling gained 2 to 432.

Texas netted the largest gain among major producing states, up by 9 to 382 rigs drilling. Louisiana’s rig count increased by 3 to 147. Colorado and Wyoming gained 2 rigs each for respective counts of 45 and 37. Alaska added 1 rig for a total of 8, and California was unchanged with 20 rigs working. Oklahoma dropped 5 rigs to 69 active. New Mexico had 46 rotary rigs working, 3 fewer than last week. North Dakota and Arkansas were down 1 rig each to 46 and 42, respectively.

In other states of interest, Pennsylvania and Utah gained 1 rig each to 55 and 16, respectively. West Virginia was unchanged at 20.

Canada’s rig count increased by 8 to 214 this week, compared with 425 rigs working in the same period last year.

This is an extract from the Oil & Gas Journal

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

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