Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hotels for North Dakota

The western part of North Dakota is experiencing an economic boom opposite of what is happening in many other areas of the United States, and consequently there is drastically more demand for housing of all types, including hotel rooms.

Because of the discovery of a massive oil shale formation in western North Dakota in recent years, that area of the state has grown most rapidly. The population of Williston, near the borders of Montana and Canada, nearly doubled from approximately 12,500 in the 2000 U.S. Census to an estimated 20,000 in 2011, according to Tom Rolfstad, executive director of the Williston Economic Development Commission.

That doesn’t factor in the additional number of transient workers who stay in the area for a few months or more. The state currently sports the lowest unemployment rate in the country at 3.3%, according the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The rapid growth in western North Dakota has led to challenges with infrastructure, including roads and housing.

There is drastically more demand than supply for housing of all types, including hotel rooms, according to several sources.

 Cheap Hotels for North Dakota Portable Motels for North Dakota